Den jazyků pro nižší gymnázium se blíží. Možná že máte rádi angličtinu, možná jste v ní i velmi dobří a možná že někde vzadu, v koutku vaší hříšné studentské duše, koketujete s kariérou ve školství. Proto neváhejte a zkuste si odučit jednu hodinu angličtiny v kvartě. Den jazyků je na experimenty a výzvy jako stvořený. Vážní zájemci, jste očekáváni u Terezy Konečné.
Being a teacher is not just about reading your line from the paper, it is about much more! And this, my fellow students, this is your chance to find out what it is really about! Seek what drives your teachers! Share your knowledge and brace yourselves - because it will come back and multiplied!
Jakub Smolík
If you want to be successful, you have to leave your comfort zone and try something new- something what the others are afraid of. Now you have your destiny in your hands and your opportunities around you, so it is only up to you to take the challenge and make it legen - wait for it - dary ... legendary!
Doan Hung
Teaching a bunch of 30 people can be a challenge but if you have the guts, go for it. (If you don't and want them, definitely go for it. It's just schoolmates!) It is not only working with students but also the public speaking experience which, I think, is so valuable.