
Prezentace Thajska

Naše třída, 6B8, měla tu čest přijmout do kolektivu na letošní školní rok studentku Nayu z dalekého východu, Thajska. Právě svou rodnou zemi se nám rozhodla, společně se svými kamarádkami, představit v hodinové prezentaci, kterou jsme mohli shlédnout ve čtvrtek 1. března 2012. Za využití interaktivní tabule nás postupně seznámily s hlavním městem Bangkokem, náboženstvím, ale i kulturními krásami celého Thajska. Dokonce si pro nás připravily ukázku tance a ochutnávku tradičního jídla: polévky z kokosového mléka. Po jídle se jenom zaprášilo, protože všem hodně chutnalo :) . Na závěr jsme Naye a jejím kamarádkám thajsky poděkovali a odnášeli si domů netradiční kulturní zážitek.

Megi Chlebounová, 6B8

Once upon a time we had a Thai student Naya. We were really suprised and we wanted to know more and more about her and her country. Suddenly, our teacher Mrs. Konečná came with a perfect idea - Presentation about Thailand.

It was on Thursday, the last two lessons. We came to the classroom 139 and there was Naya and her friends from Thailand. They wore national costumes.

The presentation started with a short film about Thailand, which was really interesting and after that we could hear some facts and funny things about Thailand, for example the longest name of the capital city - Bangkok - Krungthep mahanakhon amorn rattanakosin mahintara ayutthaya mahadilok phopnopparat rajathani burirom udomrajaniwet mahasathan amornphimarn avatarnsathit sakkathatitaya visnukam prasit.

After that they all danced for us the national dances. We could taste Thai meal, which was really amazing and which was gone before you would say the word Thailand. At the end, they taught us how to thank in a Thai way.

Aneta Břusková, 6B8

2nd March - this day 4 teachers, class 6B8 and one photographer Barbora Hemzová had a great chance to hear something about Thailand. I am sure that everyone knows that we all have had a Thai student among us since September 2011. She and her 3 friends made a beautiful presentation with a lot of interesting information for us. In addition, they showed a few of national dances and cooked a delicious meal (original Thai recipes)! At the end, they taught their spectators moves for thanking and greeting, so everyone thanked and said goodbye. The lesson ended but we have got unforgettable firsthand experiences about a state from another half of the world!

Vláďa Janisch, 6B8

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